Birmingham Children’s Hospital

The Children’s Hospital Emergency Department is incredibly busy – those who are not seriously ill will face very long waits to be seen and may need to go elsewhere for help.

Remember, the Children’s Hospital Emergency Department can’t help with dental or eye issues. For an eye emergency, please attend the Midland Eye Centre at Dudley Road open 9am-7pm. NHS 111 can help with finding and accessing an Emergency Dentist

There are things you can try before visiting, such as:
View our ‘virtual consultations’ to hear our doctors’ advice on the most common reasons people come to the Emergency Department. Click here.
Visit Healthier Together, a website recommended by our doctors, which has advice and resources for parents and young people. Click here.

Visit 111 online (for children aged 5 and over) answer questions about your symptoms on the website and they will tell you what to do next.

Take these simple steps to keep well this winter:
Wash your hands regularly just like you did during the pandemic.
Get your flu jab and COVID-19 booster