Antibiotic Guardian

Quote / Testimonial:
Will you be an Antibiotic Guardian?

The national Antibiotic Guardian campaign aims to raise awareness on how to use antibiotics in a responsible way that will help keep them effective for the future. We are encouraging our patients to take part by watching the Antibiotic Guardian video, choosing a pledge and becoming an Antibiotic Guardian at

Did you know?

It is estimated that at least 5,000 deaths are caused every year in England because antibiotics no longer work for some infections.

These antibiotic ‘resistant’ infections don’t just infect you; they can spread to other people in close contact with you.

It is important we use our existing antibiotics wisely and make sure these lifesaving medicines continue to stay effective for ourselves, our children and grandchildren.

Without urgent action from all of us, common infections, minor injuries and routine operations will become much riskier.

Antibiotics should only be taken when prescribed by a health professional.

Colds and most coughs, sinusitis, otitis media (earache) and sore throats often get better without antibiotics. Your GP may not prescribe antibiotics for these conditions but your local pharmacy can help provide self-care advice and suitable over the counter medicines to treat your symptoms.